

Enables a pre-existing but currently-disabled wakeup alarm on the assumed/specified/elicited player. If no alarm exists at that specific time then Alexa will inform you thusly. Time can be specified in 24H military format or with AM/PM.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] MediaServer
Alexa, [ ask / tell ] MediaServer [ to / for ]

{start} can be any of activate/enable/turn on/trigger.

{start} alarm
{start} alarm in {Player}
{start} alarm on {Player}
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime}
{start} alarm in the {Player}
{start} alarm on the {Player}
{start} alarm for the {Player}
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime}
{start} alarm on {Player} player
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime}
{start} alarm on the {Player} player
{start} alarm for the {Player} player
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} in {Player}
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} on {Player}
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} in {Player}
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} on {Player}
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} in the {Player}
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} on the {Player}
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} in {Player}
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} on {Player}
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} for the {Player}
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} on {Player} player
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} in the {Player}
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} on the {Player}
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} for the {Player}
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} in the {Player}
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} on the {Player}
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} for the {Player}
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} on {Player} player
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} on the {Player} player
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} on {Player} player
{start} alarm at {AlarmTime} for the {Player} player
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} on the {Player} player
{start} my alarm at {AlarmTime} for the {Player} player
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} on the {Player} player
{start} the alarm at {AlarmTime} for the {Player} player
