

Lists the names of the players currently known to the skill. If you have linked multiple LMS servers, the server count will be mentioned and the results for each server will be summarized on the basis of the tunnel/proxy name for that server.

If you use ngrok as your proxy, the first 5 characters of your uuid will be mentioned as an FYI. This can be useful if you are moving things to a different computer and are not sure which uuid was used to link the skill.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] MediaServer
Alexa, [ ask / tell ] MediaServer [ to / for ]

player names
known players
list my players
my player names
the player names
list player names
list known players
list my player names
list the player names
what players do I have?
what players are known?
what players are there?
list known player names
what are my player names?
what players do you know about?
