

Adds the assumed/specified/elicited player's currently-playing track to the end of a playlist file named Blacklisted.m3u in your defined playlists folder.

If the m3u file does not exist, it will be auto-created. Playback will automatically skip ahead to the next track. Useful to mark tracks you'd like to later delete from your library. If the player in question is not currently in play mode, the command is ignored and Alexa will tell you so.

This is useful e.g. as a scratchpad to quickly note songs that you subsequently wish to delete from your library.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] MediaServer
Alexa, [ ask / tell ] MediaServer [ to / for ]

{song} can be any of [the] song/tune/track/number/something.

Requires a subscription

blacklist this
blacklist this {song}
blacklist {song} in {Player}
blacklist {song} on {Player}
blacklist the {Player} {song}
blacklist {song} on the {Player}
blacklist {song} on {Player} player
blacklist the {Player} player {song}
blacklist {song} on the {Player} player
