

Appends/adds (to the end of the now-playing playlist on the specified/assumed/elicited player) a specified song-title from a named album.

Unlike the 'PlaySongAppended' command, this limits playback to a specific version of a song and not all renditions in your library. If Alexa needs the name of the artist in order to complete the match, she will elicit.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] MediaServer
Alexa, [ ask / tell ] MediaServer [ to / for ]

{song} can be any of [the] song/tune/track/number/something.

Requires a subscription

add {Title} from the album {Album}
append {Title} from the album {Album}
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album}
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album}
add {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} in {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist}
append {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} in {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist}
add {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} in the {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album}
add {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player} player
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} in {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist}
append {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} in the {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album}
append {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player} player
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} in {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist}
add {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player} player
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} in the {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} in {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player} player
append {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player} player
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} in the {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} in {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on the {Player}
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} in the {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on {Player} player
add {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player} player
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on {Player} player
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on the {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} in the {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} in {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on the {Player}
add {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} in the {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the album {Album} on the {Player} player
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on {Player} player
add {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on the {Player} player
add {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on {Player} player
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on the {Player}
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} in the {Player}
append {Title} from the album {Album} by {Artist} on the {Player} player
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on {Player} player
add {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on the {Player} player
append {song} {Title} from the {Artist} album {Album} on the {Player} player
