

Instructs a podcast-load operation to only search your Spotty podcasts.

If found, the podcast is played on the assumed/specified/elicited player.

If you need to specify a non-assumed player, note that it is not possible to specify both a {Podcast} and a {Player} in a single utterance. Whatever is missing will always be elicited.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] MediaServer
Alexa, [ ask / tell ] MediaServer [ to / for ]

Requires a subscription

fetch a podcast
fetch {Podcast} podcast
fetch my {Podcast} podcast
fetch my podcast {Podcast}
fetch a podcast in {Player}
fetch a podcast on {Player}
fetch the {Podcast} podcast
fetch the podcast {Podcast}
fetch a podcast in the {Player}
fetch a podcast on the {Player}
fetch a podcast on {Player} player
fetch a podcast on the {Player} player
