

Plays a specified item from your LMS favorites, using one of 4 approaches to specify the value of {Favorite}:
If you need to specify a non-assumed player, just include the player name together with the favorite specification and a bridge such as 'on/in the {Player} and the skill will try to extract matches to known players. If that fails, just say e.g. 'Play a favorite on the Kitchen player' and Alexa will follow up with "What favorite?" for you to then mention the favorite on its own.

See also: 'ListFavorites' command.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] MediaServer
Alexa, [ ask / tell ] MediaServer [ to / for ]

Requires a subscription

play favorite
play a favorite
play my favorite
play {Favorite} favorite
play favorite {Favorite}
play a favorite in {Player}
play a favorite on {Player}
play my {Favorite} favorite
play my favorite {Favorite}
play the favorite {Favorite}
play the {Favorite} favorite
play a favorite in the {Player}
play a favorite on the {Player}
play favorite number {Favorite}
play a favorite on {Player} player
play my favorite number {Favorite}
play a favorite on the {Player} player
